Cloud solutions with grounded thinking

COVID-19 Awareness

While remote work is not possible for everyone, for those workers that have a possibility of having to work remotely, here are a few commonly asked questions and answers.

Remote work is not always the same as working from home. To work remotely you’ll need to have a working space with connectivity and some amenities to function productively. Why not start with a Remote Working Checklist? We suggest the G Suite set of products to keep your productivity at an optimum level.

We're available for helping you solve your remote working environment at 0800 119 721, so give us a call.

In addition to a Gmail for correspondence, and Hangouts for quick conversation, managers can have weekly check-ins via Google Meet with their direct reports to answer questions and learn of any setbacks. Workers and Teams function better with constant and seamless communication.

Any worker that understands their goals and deadlines can be productive regardless of location. With tools like Google Drive, Sheets, Docs, Calendar and Slides workers have a full suite of cloud-based tools that are available to them wherever they are.

G Suite offers remote-working solutions, starting with Gmail, and even enables secure access to company-specific information using your G Suite login. In addition, can offer bridging functionality for non-cloud applications and other non-cloud services. If you need access to non-G Suite products, please contact us at

As a valued worker you are expected to raise concerns early, communicate often, and provide your best work experience irrespective of location. Please make sure that the environment you work in is free from distractions, well-lit, and if you are required to have a video or audio catch-up, that you can do so. Below is a handy guide on getting the most from your remote working environment.

Set yourself up for success by considering the following in creating your environment.

Physical things first

Make sure you have enough light to function clearly. Dimly-lit rooms can cause health concerns, and if you have a video call planned, make sure your background is pleasing and doesn’t contain a light source pointing straight into the camera. Speaking of background, if there is too much background noise your voice might not be clear when you speak - this takes some experience to gauge - so when you join a call ask if you can be clearly heard and make sure you can hear everyone else clearly.

Choose a seating area with a solid working surface that has enough space for your laptop, mouse, notepad, phone and perhaps a refillable water container. Make sure you are in a healthy seating position to prevent back and wrist strain.

Invest in solid tech. Do you have your laptop charger with you? Do your headphones fit properly? Does your mouse require extra batteries? Make sure you are familiar with your tools of trade - there are few things more annoying than sitting down with a cuppa only to get up again because you aren’t near a power outlet.

Plan it out

Where are the closest rest rooms? What will happen to your belongings if you have to get up from your seat? You are going to probably be here for a while, so make sure you have access to refresh and revive without compromising the security of your work tools.

Is there wifi available where you are working from? Do you have a cellular backup in-case wifi becomes unavailable? Public wifi is less secure, so be cautious when using this.

Finding your remote working groove also means learning when and how you work best. Some people prefer meetings in the mornings, others hit a productive high in the late afternoon. You can plan your day to maximise collaboration and productivity.

Make sure you don’t overwork yourself - just because commute time may fall away do not replace it with day-to-day functions. Ensure you break for lunch and communicate smaller breaks clearly. Optimum productivity means giving your best every day.

Meet up

Just because you are working remotely does not mean you should work in isolation. Pair-working (even remotely using Hangouts or Meet) can motivate you to get more done and provides a sense of community and security in your quality of output.

Studies have also shown that pets can help reduce stress, so if you are working from home, make some space for your pet - they can serve as your rubber ducky when you are working on a particularly tricky problem - and will enjoy the attention!


With a little adjustment, you’ll be having fully-collaborative online meetings and chats throughout your working day. The golden rule with video calls is always: pause for a little while. Digital channels are not quite as sophisticated as the human ear - as soon as more than one person starts talking, sounds become distorted. Be kind, give space to speak, provide context in gestures and emoji’s.

Pro Tip: Use emoji's extensively, as they convey the emotion we would usually associate with a face-to-face meeting. 😉